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Emma Petersen - Custom Truly Me #101 (a.k.a. Emma #2)

If you've ever scrolled through my "Dolls" tab, right now you may be thinking, "Wait... Haven't I seen this name before?" Yes, you have! So, before I get to "Emma #2," let me re-introduce "Emma #1"...

Custom Grace Thomas with red hair done in old Girl of the Year magazine style photo
Emma's "Ancestor"

Emma #1 had started out as a custom Grace Thomas I'd named Sienna Copeland. She was a cousin of Saige's with a love of photography. But between Sienna's wig quickly becoming dry and unmanageable, and newly-released Lea having unexpectedly similar character traits, I decided Sienna needed an update. She underwent several mini transformations as I tried to find her a new look that would stick. Finally, I tried giving her a Tenney wig and lightening her freckles. The result reminded me a little of my Danish grandma, so Emma Petersen was born!

Grace Thomas with Tenney's blonde wig
"Emma #1"

I was mostly happy with her new look at first, but over time, I kept feeling like something wasn't quite right. When I look back at photos of her now, as weird as this may sound, I think there was a disconnect for me between her face and her hairstyle. The Grace Thomas face by itself reads a little more sporty to me -- I think because it reminds me of a neighbor I had who was way into sports. (Incidentally, she was the one I almost got Kirsten from years ago.) Meanwhile, the Tenney wig, with its curls and gentle waves reads a little more... elegant maybe? Or at least, not very sporty (to me). But after trying four different wigs with Sienna/Emma, I wasn't sure what look I was really going for.

I thought about giving her away. I hadn't done the best job gluing the back of her wig, so I didn't want to attempt selling her. I didn't realize a wig from a classic mold might not fit a Josefina mold well! But my mom really liked how she turned out, so she scooped up Emma #1 instead.

Years later, after making a Maltese-American girl and a Choctaw and Irish-American girl, I decided I needed a Danish-American girl to complete the set of dolls that represent my heritage (my mom is Maltese and my dad was Choctaw, Danish, and Irish). At the same time, I was curious about the newer set of Truly Me dolls American Girl had come out with that included eyelash face paint and a new style of eyebrows. I opted to use Truly Me #101 as a base doll -- both for the new face paint and the chance to add a gray-eyed doll to my collection. And since I was really happy with the first Tenney wig I had used, I decided to try another for my Danish doll.

I'd had such good luck with the Truly Me #89 I'd bought from Amazon, I decided to get #101 the same way. But unfortunately, it was not quite as smooth of a process... The first doll's eyes were slightly uneven and her dress was already coming unraveled. I decided to ask for a replacement, hoping I'd get a better one, but the second one was pretty bug-eyed. I decided to work with the first one and the replacement was quickly returned.

Truly Me #101 in her box
One eye's a little higher, but we can work with it!

A few days later, my mom brought over a doll she'd been working on and I helped her re-wig her doll while I re-wigged Truly Me #101. I was so excited! This new doll was already turning out as well as I'd hoped!

Re-wigged Truly Me #101 with darker lips
Adding more color to her lips

Then, she just needed two finishing touches... I darkened her lips and added a lightly glossy top coat, and then I gave her some brown vinyl eyelashes.

I wasn't sure if I should reuse "Emma" for her name or go for something different (but still Danish). I decided to try asking my fellow AGIGers to help me choose between Emma, Isabella, Kirstine, or Lise. Emma ended up the top choice with 43% of the votes, followed by Lise (30%), Kirstine (17%) and finally, Isabella (9%).

And thus, Emma Peterson 2.0 was born! :D

Customized Truly Me 101 with Tenney wig
"Hej! I'm Emma!"

I'm SO happy with how she turned out. I think she's one of the prettiest customs I've ever put together. I'm sure my grandma and dad would love her, too. ♥

Emma at a farmer's market
Feeling at home surrounded by plants and produce

I'm not completely settled on her character yet, but so far, I think I'll take a page from my grandma's life and have her be into gardening and DIYing. Maybe gardening comes very easily to her, but other things are a bit more of struggle to master. Emma wants to be good at everything, right away -- just like her favorite YouTubers seem to be. Maybe her stories would be about learning patience and realizing when she's making good progress toward her goals.

Emma holding a macaron
Macarons, anyone?

However her character turns out, she definitely looks at home surrounded by greenery. Maybe I'll have to take her on a photoshoot outdoors sometime.

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